- Aischa Ali's videos
- If you're feeling in an ethnographic mood, Dances of Egypt, produced by
Aischa Ali. Warning: personally, I think the quality here is very
mixed. 1/4 is travelogue (what a waste!) and the sequences shot at
wedding in the cities have mimimal value, but the Gahwazee and folk
dances are definitely worth the price if you're into that sort of
thing--they are dieing out. I paid $50 at a festival several years ago.
Audrena's Boutique, 800-327-3406. --A. Rodakowski
Also recommended by Sherezzah.
I have this one [Dances of Egypt] by Aisha Ali. Good for historical background on dance. Shows Banaat Maazin performing. Also Tahtib (men's stick dance). --Robyn
I have a couple videos by Aisha Ali which have some technical difficulties, like low light levels, etc, but which give good enough information so I that treasure them. --Pat
[One of] my personal favorites...Documentaries (to see what it is really like over there): Dancers of Egypt--Aisha Ali. Wonderful chance to see the REAL thing, all styles. This is the perfect video to show someone who wants to know what in the world this dance is you're involved in. Great Ghawazi footage and
folkloric, much of it no longer to be found in Egypt today. --Azar
- Basic Middle Eastern Rhythms Vol. I
- For a good drumming video, I recommend Michael Beach's Basic Middle
Eastern Rhythms Vol. I. I learned how to drum from his video. He
teaches baladi, baladi backbeat, broken beat (Malouf), ciftelli,
karshilama, ayoob, and 6/8. He gives tips on choosing a drum and shows
different percussion instruments and how they sound. He also shows how
to play Mid-East rhythms on a drumset if you're into that. Order
directly from Brothers of the Baladi, it's cheaper that way (about $35 I
believe). --Robyn
- Bastet Productions: Kathryn Ferguson videos
- An excellent video for the beginning/intermediate dancer. I recommend
this one to my students and I watch it myself for review. Good warmups,
excellent breakdown of movements. Her costuming leaves a lot to be
desired, but Kathryn Ferguson is an excellent instructor. Doesn't cover
veil or floorwork. --Robyn
[This is one of] my personal favorites...Teaching Videos:
Introduction to Belly Dance--Kathryn Ferguson. Well produced and good content.
I would recommend this tape to beginners who can only afford one teaching
tape. --Azar
Well, an instructional video that is close to my heart is the one that my
instuctor made. Her name is Kathryn Ferguson, and the video is called
"Introduction to Belly Dance". Kathryn teaches almost every minute of her
life, and when she's not dancing or teaching, she's making films, so the
video is well put-together, and has won the Silver Award at the Houston
International Film Festival. It's also recommended by _Dance_ magazine,
_Library Journal_, and _Habibi_. I find it quite useful when I'm not able
to attend classes for long stretches....although your "first learning" is
best done with a live instructor, video is a great way to review and
practice. --Kate
- Cairo by Night--National Geographic
- [One of] my personal favorites...Documentaries (to see what it is really like over there): Cairo by Night--National Geographic. Perhaps you can find this showing on TV. Also great to show non-dancers. Basically about Lucy, a Cairo dancer. --Azar
- Cassandra
- [One of] my personal favorites...dancing in videos: Cassandra (my very favorite dancer, she can do everything). Egyptian Moves (4 Oriental) is great, and Live Vol.1 contains caberet and folklore. My next purchase will be her Performance video. She's wonderful. --Azar
- Eva Cernik
- [This is one of] my personal favorites...Teaching Videos:
4 Dance Classes in Egypt (from Eva Cernik). WONDERFUL chance to go to Egypt
and take from Ragia Hasan, the Afifis, Khairyn Maazin. Would not recommend for
beginners. --Azar
[One of] my personal favorites...dancing in videos: Eva as Dancer vols. 1, 2, 3. Eva Cernik. Great Turkish style dancer. I like Vol. 3 best. --Azar
- Chandra's InstructionalVideos: Basic sword (and series)
- I bought her veil video and I did learn how to do double veil from
it. However, I wouldn't recommend them. Again bad camerawork. A very
static camera and a hard to watch fuzzy picture. --Robyn
- Chelydra's No Frills Video Series
- When Chelydra says "no frills", she's not kidding. The camera is very
static which makes it hard to watch for long periods. Bought her Gypsy
Tambourine video which didn't teach me anything I didn't already know
about handling a tambourine. However, if you are interested in a new
choreography, I feel you could pick it up by watching this video. --Robyn
- Dahlena
- [This is one of] my personal favorites...Teaching Videos:
Video Class with Dahlena. My personal current favorite teaching tape. I don't
recommend for beginners, but Dahlena is one of the doyennes of American M.E.
dance--she has been a professional (in all senses of the word) for probably 30
years. --Azar
- Delilah's video series
- ...I might
add that Delilah's series of videos are also good (she offers 3 instructional
videos, and her "Dance Delilah Dance" performance video has a very nice
variety). --Sherezzah
An excellent series [Delilah's Bellydance Workshop]. I refer to these volumes again and again. Also recommend her costuming workshop, Dance to the Great Mother, and Delilah and Sirocco: Live and Wild! --Robyn
For belly dance
videos, my highest recommendations go to Mesmera, and to Delilah Flynn.
These two women are hands-down the most professional, entertaining
belly dancers I've had the pleasure of patronizing. Their videos are
well filmed, giving the viewer a chance to get a good look at their
movements. They demonstrate lots of skill and originality, and they
have also been very sweet and have always displayed good attitudes. --magdur
[This is one of] my personal favorites...Teaching Videos:
Delilah's Belly Dance Workshop--Delilah Flynn Probably best all around
teaching tapes, well produced, and extensive "library" of b.d. moves for
learning and reference, but you need to buy all three volumes and can be quite
expensive. --Azar
- Suzanna Del Vecchio videos
- For instruction, Suzanna Del Vecchio's Pecision Motion Workout, for int.
to pro. level dancers. My vendor (Hasani) says it's the best she's
seen. $45 + 3 P&H. Suzanna Del Vecchio, PO Box 61383, Denver, CO, 80206. --A. Rodakowski
Also recommended by Sherezzah.
For teaching / workout videos: Suzanna del vecchio's precision motion video
ranks high on the list. --Andrea D.
A so-so performance video [Dances From the Heart]. Better buy: her Precision Motion Workout. Although it's not intended as a teaching video, I learned some new moves from it. --Robyn
"Just received Suzanna Del Vecchio's new performance video, 'Dances From the Heart Vol. II'. WOW! ...although I liked a good bit of the first 'Dances From the Heart,' I have to say the lighting & camera work are significantly better on this video. I particularly loved the orientale number, and 'Passionate Balady'--but I knew from the moment she appeared in 'Dark Fire' that this was going to be one of those goose bump numbers. Yawks!!! Sure is! Also a sign of
Suzanna's continuing growth as an artist, that she reaches a different
emotional level in this number than I've seen her hit before. It's really,
really, really powerful. Incredible piece! And I was just thinking, as I watched the other numbers, 'gee, I bet Suzanna
would do a great gypsy'. And then out she comes, in 'Gypsy Spirit'. Wow!!!
She *does* do a great show here! She gets the steps, the attitude, etc.
Those who usually carp about fake gypsy dances can just can it, ;-) because,
from what i've seen in studies with Dalia Carella (several times, since
1988), Zeina/Dee Birnbaum, Eva Cernik, Jamila Zahran and Dahlal, she's using
*real* steps. Just really a great piece!!! I love her costumes, I love the production, I love the mix on this tape...it's a gotta have!" --Shakira
- Fat Chance Belly Dance (series)
- I love this troupe and have almost every video they've put out. I
highly recommend "Tattooed One", "Fat Chance Belly Dance Live!", and
their costuming and makeup video. As an advanced dancer, I found that I
didn't have much to learn from their first instructional video and I
didn't feel that the movements were broken well enough for a complete
beginner to follow. --Robyn
Just got the "tatooed one" Fat Chance BD video and it's
great - short in length, but inexpensive. A great sample
of what American tribal belly dance is all about. I'd be
very curious about their makeup and instructional videos
if I hadn't been dancing for so long - most of what they do
is not new as far as moves, but their implementation of the
"tribal" concept is wonderful! and I really love the costumes... --Me'ira
I have FCBD makeup and costuming video and it is excellent. The video
shows how the troupe goes about creating their unique look. However,
there is a lot here that is adaptable for everybody. Of particular
interest to me was the way they wrapped their turbans. I believe that
their new video, Advanced Step Variations, has just come out. --Robyn
- Suraya Hilal videos
- All-time favorite video: Suraya Hilal, Jewels. I know she has other videos
out which I haven't found a US source for, but I owuld love to find.
Her presentation is so varied, with the style of dance changing substantially
between dances, but always extremely elegant and classy. This is not
cabaret belly dance, though, so I know not everyone responds to it in the
same way I do. But for me this is the epitome of the dance. --Andrea D.
My favourites are also by Suraya Hilal, I love Jewels by her
later ones - Celebration of the Nile, based on "musicians of
the nile music" and Ghawazi dancing. Also of great team
dancers and interation between dancers and musicians. Also a
fabulous (but very simple) stick dance by a fellow, a good
double by Suraya and Anne Ashcroft, a lovely simple tuxim to
Zaamar (spell) in a beautiful black Asyute by Suraya. The
other is the Colors of Cairo, also feature more of the troup
and group dancers but with time classical and beledi style. --Donna
- Horacio Cifuentes and Beata Zadou's videos
- Horacio [Cifuentes]'s videos are quite good, and offer both instruction (workout/technique
+ choreography) and performance. Audrena has them. Also, Horacio and Beata's
series are good. I especially like #2 in the series; it has a "Pharonic Suite"
with really interesting costumes as well as what I think is the best
performance I've ever seen by Horacio (he actually smiles and has fun with the
audience). Several vendors sell these, including Audrena and Dahlal and I
think Chandra. --Sherezzah
For teaching / workout videos...Also Horacio's first, old solo video, where he
does a 20-minute "warmup" before teaching his choreography -- a good, fast
exercise routine. --Andrea D.
[One of] my personal favorites...dancing in videos: Oriental Fantasy--Horacio and Beata Zadou. I think they are up to Vol 5 now.
They are all wonderful Egyptian styling. All Horatio's videos (alone) are
wonderful as well. --Azar
- Jasmin Jahal
- My very first bellydance teacher, Jasmin Jahal of Chicago, has recently released an instuctional video called "Reach for the Stars" vol. 1. It is very, very good, with an excellent warm up, and it takes you through isolations, arms
workhip work...all the basics, ending with a performance by her. The section
on hipwork alone makes this video more than worth the price. It is good for
both beginners and advanced, as it never hurts to go back to basics, and
Jasmin's style is unique. She also strongly emphasizes posture and alignment,
something other videos I have seen do not do as clearly. --Meg
- Mesmera's videos
- Also, I think Mesmera's "Dance of the Serpent" is a good instructional video. I know Audrena has this; other vendors probably do too. --Sherezzah
For belly dance
videos, my highest recommendations go to Mesmera, and to Delilah Flynn.
These two women are hands-down the most professional, entertaining
belly dancers I've had the pleasure of patronizing. Their videos are
well filmed, giving the viewer a chance to get a good look at their
movements. They demonstrate lots of skill and originality, and they
have also been very sweet and have always displayed good attitudes. --magdur
[This is one of] my personal favorites...Teaching Videos: Dance of the Serpent--Mesmera. Also well produced beginning tape for someone
who can only afford one. --Azar
- Moon Over Denver
- For performance, Moon Over Denver is tops. (Heard she has a vol. 2 out,
but don't know of anyone who's seen it.) Excellent staging, excellent
dancing, camerawork and editing much better than average, and over 2 hrs.
long. $52.95, Phaedra-Ameerah, 12203-TE Eliff, Box 240, Aurora CO 90014,
303-343-7616. --A. Rodakowski
Also recommended by Sherezzah.
- Morocco's tapes
- [One of] my personal favorites...Documentaries (to see what it is really like over there): Morocco's Folklore tapes. Morocco went there and taped before many others were doing it. Her tapes contain footage you can find nowhere else. Vol. 2: the Marrakesh Fold Festival (in the country of Morroco) and Berber. Vol. 6: Folk dances in Egypt, Nubian, Sudanese, Dervish, Ghawazi, Taytiyb (men's stick dance) and Reda Troupe. --Azar
- Raja's videos
- My belly dance videos from Raja are all excellent. --magdur
- Rare Glimpses--Ibrahim Farrah
- [One of] my personal favorites...Documentaries (to see what it is really like over there): Rare Glimpses--Ibrahim Farrah.Wonderful rare footage to be found nowhere else. Contains Fatima (1897) filmed by Thomas Edison, probably THE first B.D. video (and you can see what they saw in Chicago at the Columbia Exposition), Moroccan Guedra, Berber Gypsies (not what you'll expect if you want "gypsy" styling, but wonderful dancing), and Lebanon's late great caberet dancer Nadia Gamal. --Azar
- Suhaila Salimpour
- Suhaila dances for the sultan: I like Suhaila, and I think this video is elegantly filmed and shows her well. It creates a very sensuous mood. --Andrea D.
I liked Suhaila Salimpour's Dances for the Sultan, although the camera panned and faded in and out too much to suit me. --magdur
[This is one of] my personal favorites...Teaching Videos:
Salimpour Format--Suhaila Salimpour. Very old videos (still available?) but
great for for all the basic moves with Jamilla's nomenclature (as in the
Salimpour Workbook); in several volumes and not slick production like
Suhaila's later videos. --Azar
For choreography instruction, you can't beat Suhaila's tapes. She has both a
beginner and an advanced choreograpy video out, and they are both well
explained and fun to do. --Meg
- Shareen al Safy
- For teaching, anything by Shareen al Safy. The style
isn't the best, in the early ones I have, but the materisl is top-rate. I
still work with them sometimes, years later, just to freshen the precision of
my technique. --Andrea D.
[This is one of] my personal favorites...Teaching Videos:
Shareen El Safy Technique. Definitely not for beginners, but WONDERFUL
Egyptian styling in this series which is up to vol. 5 now, I think. --Azar
- Serena Technique vols. 1-4
- [This is one of] my personal favorites...Teaching Videos:
Serena Technique vols. 1-4. Not slick production and not recent but gives
another style and other movements. --Azar
- The Stars of Egypt series
- Hossam Ramzy's The Stars of Egypt series. I have the Taheyya Karioka and
Naima Akef ones of this series. It also has Samia Gamal, and The Great
Unknown (that one's tops on my Christmas list!). Of the two I've seen,
I'd strongly recommend the Naima Akef. She's not as well known in the
west as Karioka and Gamal, but her crisp movements and dynamite hipwork
seem to herald the future direction Egyptian dance would take. One of
the regulars on the list, James Janner, is handling distribution. Ramzy
Music Int. 11693 San Vicente Blvd. Suite 112F, L.A., CA, 90049. email,
JJanner@MCIMail.com --A. Rodakowski
Also recommended by Sherezzah.
I can vouch for the quality of [the Stars of Egypt] video series as I have all but one. I had seen an older video- Dancers of the 40's, and am impressed
with the improved quality of some of the same clips that are on The
Stars videos. I really enjoy the dancing- typical Egyptian, it is much
more suttle. The series is a good visual study of where this art form
really started to develop artistically. --Zulaika
The stars of Egypt series is great -- I have learned a lot from it. The one
objection I have about it is that often the scenes are cut so that we lose the
continuity of the songs and see only the dancing. I would rather have had
the song continuing in the background while we heard the protagonists
talking about this or that, and seen the dancer when she was on camera,
instead of always seeing the dancer but missing some of the song. But other
than that, you couldn't do better. You get a lot more dance on the stars of
Egypt series than on anything else -- but I don't think it replaces the others.
--Andrea D.
- Veda Sereem's Quality of Belly Dancing (series)
- I bought her cane dance video and was disappointed with it. Very bad
video quality. Also her voice was just like fingernails on a blackboard
to my ears. --Robyn