Here are some music & video recommendations culled from the med-dance
mailing list (see Belly Dance FAQ for information on how to join the list).
- Good Beginner music & a few Classics - "You will find that
there are many styles of middle eastern dance. In the US, Egyptian belly
dance seems to have taken hold, but as you see more dancing you'll realize
this. People's music recommendations will depend a lot upon what style of
dance they prefer. There is a category of music I like to recommend for
beginning dancers because it is "fusion", i.e. eastern sounding,
but w/rhythms that are easy to hear for western ears. These are primarily:
anything by RAJA, anything by LIGHT RAIN (i.e. Dream Dancer, Dream Suite,
etc.) And a new one: FIRE DANCE & BEYOND THE SKY - by Omar Faruk Tekbilek
and Brian Keane (very authentic sounding stuff, with lots of nice swishy
desert wind sound effects, vaguely new-ageish. The classics: all 5 George
Abdo albums, especially "Joy Of BD", (at least I think that's
the one with the silver costumed belly dancer on it). {kharding@lamar.ColoState.EDU
(Karol Harding) aka Me'ira, med-dance 960422.0801}
- Favorite Belly Dance music - "I love all the ones previously posted
to the list and agree on the ones particularly recommended for beginners.
Other great short piece artists include Ibrahim El Samahy (Egyptian style),
Oasis (more folkloric and more Greek influenced), and Sirocco (more in the
folkloric style and a favorite of the wild Gypsy troupe I'm in). My favorite
warm-up tape is currently a fusion group, Desert Wind. The tape is titled
"Kali Ma:
Dances of Transformation." It's wonderful for veil work. I'm not sure
if it's available in CD. Since the original poster had an Egyptian teacher,
my favorite Egyptian CD's are currently "Source of Fire" by Hozam
Ramzy, "Amar 14" by Mokhtar al Said & El Ferka el Mesaya,
and *anything* by Setrak Sarkissian! {Azar <SWLOON01@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU>,
med-dance 960422.2013}
- Appropriate Music - RJ Carey wrote: "It is a good thread Shakira!
9 times out of ten my audience comprises appx 30%(usually more) of Muslims.
I check all my music and I often get recommendations for dance songs [snip]"
and Lori replied "Several years ago (yikes!), my first dance teacher
introduced our class to 'Erev shel Shoshanim' and 'Yerushalayim shel Zahav'
('Evening of Roses' and 'Jerusalem of Gold,' respectively). She said that
she *loved* dancing to these pieces but warned to be *very* careful about
using these beautiful Iraeli classics in front of an Arab (restaurant) crowd
-- particularly the later song! Years later, when I mentioned it to my Jewish
husband, he replied, 'Oh yeah... they might have killed her!' He was exaggerating
-- slightly ;-) :-0 -- of course... but you get the idea!" {Lori Kishimoto
<>, med-dance 960122.1249}
- Misirlou - "Just to settle this item, I've just finished transcribing
it from Saroyan Sings 'Cairo'. Harry sings it in English (yeah! lucky us).
It gives me the "shivers"! Everytime I hear it I can hardly contain
myself! And I know I'm not the only one to react that way to his singing.
"Desert shadows creep across purple sands
Natives kneel in prayer by their caravans
They're sihouletted under an eastern star
I see my long lost blossom on Shalimar.
Ahhhh, Miserlou,
You're the moon and the sun fairest one.
All* temple bells are calling across the sand
We'll find our kismet answering love's command
Heaven will guide us as we go hand in hand."
*This might actually be "Old temple bells..." I've tried several
times and can't quite make a distinction with his accent. Maybe someone
else knows for sure, but at least you have an almost complete idea of the
On another personal note, even though I enjoyed that they used this song
in 'Pulp Fiction' (yeah for us), my heart still reacts to it most strongly
done in this slower, more languid (and *sensuous*) tempo. {
(Tedi Thomas), med-dance 960129.1949}
- Recommended Arabic music CDs - "The following is a selection representing
various genres of Arabic music. They are highly recommended, keeping in
mind that they naturally
reflect my own views and preferences."
*** Turath (Heritage)***
Simon Shahin
CMP Records, CMP CD 3006
Instruments: violin, ud, nay, qanun, riqq, tar.
Performers: Simon Shahin, Omar Farouk Tekbilek, +
Comments: Music, no vocals. A nice slection of classics. Excellent performance.
Sound quality is excellent.
*** The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab ***
Simon Shahin
Axiom, 539 865-2
Instruments: A contemporary Arabic band
(violins, ud, nay, qanun, riqq, tar, etc)
Performers: Simon Shahin and his band.
Comments: Music and some vocals. All music was composed by the late Egyptian
composer/singer/musician Mohamed Abdel Wahab. My favourite is track 6, Bortuqal
(Oranges). In this track the words address the orange farmers and say "you
worked hard and it is time to collect the nice and ripe oranges,...".
Sound quality is excellent.
*** La Grande Chantuse Bedouine (The Bedouine singer) ***
Seham Refki
Cairophon, CXGCD 658.
Singer: Seham Refki
Comments: Twelve beautiful songs (total time 72 minutes) in genuine Bedouine
(Nomad) dialect, beautiful (female) voice. All these songs are classics.
I have had these on a cassettee tape. I was actually surprised to find this
material on CD. The sound quality is surprisingly very good.
*** Bil Afrah ***
Ziad Rahbani
Voix de l'Orient Series, VDL CD 606
Comments: Music, no vocals. This cd contains a single 38 minute track that
consists of 10 pieces. The pieces selected are excellent and the performance
is inspired. Ziad Rahbani is the son of the famous Lebanese singer Fairouz
and her late husband the musician Asi Rahbani. On this CD he plays the accordion.
Sound quality is excellent.
*** Sounds of Sudan ***
Abdel Gadir Salim, Abdel Aziz El Mubarak, Mohamed Gubara
World Circuit, WCD018
Comments: Three songs by each performer. Instruments: oud, accordion, tabla,
tambour. My favourite is Abdel Gadir Salim (he has his own cds as well).
Sound quality is excellent.
*** Music Classique Andalouse de Fes ***
Ustad Massano Tazi.
Ocora, C 559035
Comments: Two tracks; 57:44 and 16:15. This one is really special. Both
tracks were performed with ensembles equivalent to those of the 18-th century
and before (back to the 9th century). Instruments: rebab, alto, ud, suissan,
tar, mussami voice. No violins, thanks goodness. The minimalism in the instruments
serves only to accentuate the skill of the performers. Massano Tazi is a
treasure. The first track contains many alternations of instrumental pieces
and vocals; it really must be heard as one piece. Thanks to Ocora for not
cutting it up. Sound quality is excellent.
*** ALGERIE Anthologie de la Musique Arabo-Andaluouse, vol 3
Amin Mesli et l'ensemble Nassim el Andalous
Ocora 560004
Comments: This is one of five volumes. All five volume are excellent, although
this is my favourite. The authentic music of Tlemcen. Very informative booklet
in English, French and Arabic. This volume is in Nuba Cika. The other volumes
cover other Nuba's. This stuff is addictive. Sound quality is excellent.
*** Munir Bachir en Concert/live- indeit 9 ***
Maison des Cultures du Monde, M.C.M 260006
Comments: Munir Bachir is a master oud player. The concert was in Paris
in November 1987. If you like the lute this one is for you. Four tracks:
1) Maqam Yekah and Aoudj 2) Nahawand 3) Bayat 4)Hijaz. Total time 56 min.
Sound quality is excellent. On a good system or with good headphones frequent
cough can be heard in the audience, but I didn't find this bothersome.
CD title: Archives de la Musique Arabe - Vol 1
Main artist: several (see below)
Label: Ocora, distributed by Harmonia Mundi
Number: OCORA C558678
Number of tracks: 8
Total time: 71:4
Comments: This CD was made of originals that appeared on 78 rpm records.
The recordings were made in the early 1900's. Sound quality is as expected,
but otherwise the production values are excellent. There are 34 pages of
liner notes in English, Arabic and French with many pictures. Some of the
leading musicians of the time are featured, examples: track 1: Muhiyddin
Bayun (1868-1934) playing taksim rast on tanbur; track 2: Muhammad Al-Ashiq
(1885-1925) singing the exquisite poem "Salouha limadha ghayyar as-suqmo
halaha" (ask her why the lack of love has changed her); track 3: Yususf
Al-Manyalawi (1847-1911) sings another masterpiece "Ukadhdhibu nafsi
anki fi kulli ma ara" (I deny evidence of what you make me endure).
In summary, each track alone is worth the price of the CD, this is a must-have.
Note that according to Harmonia Mundi there is no volume 2, 3, etc.
CD title: Om Kalthoum "The Twinkling Star"
Main artist: Om Kalthoum
Label: Voix de l'Orient
Number: VDL CD 595
Number of tracks: 7
Total duration: 40:38
Comments: This is some of Om Kalthoum's not too early material and demonstrates
the beauty of her voice. for example listen to track 2, between 3:00 and
4:00, her voice soars with no apparent top limit. Tracks 2 "Ifrah ya
albi" (rejoice my heart) and 4 "Ala balad elmahboub" (to
the beloved's town take me) are classics. The sound quality is good.
CD title: Asmahan
Main artist: Asmahan
Label: Asmahan Records
Number: ASMCD 601
Number of tracks: 11
Total duration: 71:56
Comments: Asmahan was Farid Al-Atrash's sister. He wrote music for her songs.
Unfortunately she died very young (near end of WW-II, I think). There is
not a lot recorded by Asmahan. I found only about 3 or 4 CDs of her and
I had the same material on tape. Her voice was extraordinarily beautiful.
Some of the tracks are very popular and well known to this day: track 6
"Ahwa" (I love) has been performed (poorly) by many contemporary
singers; track 2 "Layali elons fi Vienna"; track 4 "Imta
hatiraf". The sound quality is satisfactory. Recommended.
{kharding@lamar.ColoState.EDU (Karol Harding), 960319.1624}
- Favorite Belly Dance CDs - "The last time I was in the States was
Cairo Carnivale, June,95. I bought several excellent cassettes, (probably
available on CD). My favorites are: Ala Nar, by Beata and Horacio Cifuentes
(specially arranged for them by Egyptian musicians). Also Amar 14, Ahla
Leila, Sahra Saeeda and Reda Darwish Walk With the Moon. I have lots of
Setrak Sarkassian tapes, they're available over here much cheaper than the
US. I could go on, but Colleen specified CD's available in the US. There's
loads of cassettes over here, and I also love Arab popular singers like
George Wasoof, Omro Diab, Ragheb Alameh, Warda and my favorite singer-Hakim
from Egypt." { (Tara Miller) aka Nuria Tahan,
med-dance 960425.2102}
- Routines on CD - "Almost all of G.Abdo's Cd's have routine format
built in. They're probably kind of short for club work but there's Mustapha's
routine and Zanuba. A personal favorite for workshop routine, about 20 minutes,
is Saroyan Sings. One side starts with Aman, Aman and goes from there."
{Kahaz (, med-dance 960524.1038}
- Khaleegi Music - Aziza said, "One of the tapes of the 'Ya Salaam'
series has a whole side of khaleegi music. The tracks vary between 4-6 minutes
length, and from what I remember there was a full khaleegi routine too.
Sorry I can't remember which number of the tape series it is on." {"A.
Parr-Whalley" <100244.2432@CompuServe.COM> aka Aziza, 960529.0608}
Chandara replied "Thanks Aziza! Found it last night before I got your
note - it's on Ya Salaam 3. Some other stuff I've found is called SAMRA
(1 & 2) - Songs from Saudi Arabia. Great stuff! Also Sahrat al-Badou
- Bedouin Music of Saudi Arabia. Old tapes, though. Don't know if you can
even get them anymore." { aka Chandara Gamal, med-dance
- Aisha Kandisha's Jarring Effects - "There is also a group from
Morocco called 'Aisha Kandisha's Jarring Effects'. They have 2 albums out,
the first called El Buya, the latest called Shabeesation (Shabee is the
term for Moroccan dance pop). They are really cool, and definitely an 'alternative'
out of Morocco. By the way, Aisha Kandisha is a water-dwelling she devil
who will drive you crazy, and she is generally blamed for all that goes
bad...and one invokes her wrath (which can be both really nasty and/or very
irritating) by simply uttering her name. So be careful if you are prone
to buying that sort of thing, and also be aware that others might not want
to hear you uttering how fabulous this band is! Aisha Kandisha is an equal
opportunity she-devil, as in she goes after all genders. She isn't your
typical bad woman going after men kinda girl. So beware!" {Monica Berini
<> aka Zakiyya, med-dance 960510.1616}
- Ali Hassan Kuban - "[the albulm] 'Nubian Magic' that I've mentioned
before, has a couple of "dubs" that are way out and that I'm considering
to work up for performance...still around the kitchen table at this point.
This is by Ali Hassan Kuban, who also has a couple of others out...more
traditional." {Maryanne Laukaitis <>
aka Zemyna, med-dance 960422.0843}
- Brothers of the Balidi - In response to a request for info on a piece
called "Tamzara" in the Kashlima rhythm, Yasmina replied, "My
troupe and I perform to the song "Tamzara" by the Brothers of
the Baladi. It is from their, "Food of Love" tape; great tape.
I do not know what the song is about or it's translation. You can reach
Michael from Brothers of the Baladi at P.O. Box 14083, Portland, OR 97214;
(503)233-2463. That is the last address and phone# I have for them."
{The Parker's <> aka Yasmina, med-dance 960430.1955}
- DAVKA - "Have found an incredible new CD I had to tell you about...
DAVKA is group of Jewish musicians who have combined serveral world music
influences, from eastern Europe to the middle east. Rhythms feature excellent
work on dombeck, frame drum and Zarb (a distinctive-sounding Persian drum).
The music will remind you of Light Rain, with hauntingly beautiful violin
work...but the rhythms are perhaps a bit more sophisticated and trickier
to find."..."can be ordered from: Backroad Music, fax: 415-924-0648,
email:, toll free# 1-800-767-4748" {kharding@lamar.ColoState.EDU
(Karol Harding) aka Mei'ra, med-dance 960524.0747}
- Eddie Kochak - "I don't know if these are on CD or just tapes,
but along with the Abdo stuff, I vote for anything by Eddie Kochak - he
has 6 tapes, all called Strictly Habibi Bellydance, complete routines with
pretty short pieces. My personal favorite is Volume 1, but I haven't heard
Vol. 2 or 4 yet so the jury's still out. I like these short pieces because
as a beginner, it's all I feel I can handle." {
(Weisha R. Mize), med-dance 960422.1039}
- Hossam Ramzy - "I'd recommend any of the percussionist/composer
Hossam Ramzy's CD's, they are carried by most danse orientale retailers,
plus increasingly in the big chains (Tower, Virgin, et al.). His own music
is inventive, and his versions of the classics are cleanly orchestrated--of
particular value to the dancer (and audience) new to Arab music."
"Disclosure: I am Hossam's North American distributor of The Stars
of Egypt (tm) video series (not his audio recordings)." {James Janner
<>, med-dance 960421.2303}
- Mokhtar al Said - "both the CDs from Mokhtar Al Said are excellent:
they're both in the Egyptian-style routine format and can also be 'chopped
up'. The first one ['Raqs Sharki'] has 'Mashaal' as its opening piece. This
was originally titled 'Larussa' and was written for Nagua Fuad by Hani Mohanna
. Excellent quality recordings! The second CD is titled AMAR 14"..."I
only have the tapes but I know they come in CD format as I sold one to Ruth
when I visited England. The tapes are both in full Egyptian routine format
- both sides. All are interchangeable. Excellent quality." {Maggie
Verity <> aka Tahia, med-dance 960521.1350, 960524.0848}
- Outback - Tahia said "I've also discovered Outback - heavy use
of drums and didgeridoo, but on one tape I have - can't remember the title
or the name of the tracks - there is definitely a Turkish flavour to a few
of the tracks." and Zemyna replied "Hi Tahia: "Outback"
is great! Best cuts for belly dance would be: Aziz Aziz, Medina, Dance the
Devil Away (kind of zar like), and others are good but not as mid-east influenced."
{Maryanne Laukaitis <> aka Zemyna,
med-dance 960422.0843}
- Rhabi Abou Khalil - "I love the fusion of classical arabic style
with jazz done by Rhabi Abou Khalil. Titles of cd's are Tarab, Al Jadida,
Blue Camel, Bukra...Enja records" {Maryanne Laukaitis <>
aka Zemyna, med-dance 960422.0843}
- Setrak Sarkissian - "[I like] Anything by Setrak Sarkissian (who
was in Australia at the end of 1995 playing for Samira Toufik) The new ones
'Oriental b/d for Setrak and Samara' Vols 1 & 2 are very useful."
{"A. Parr-Whalley" <100244.2432@CompuServe.COM> aka Aziza,
med-dance 960423.0101}
- Amira Mor - "I bought this from Chandra. More Greek/mediterranian
sounding but all the lyrics, where used, are in Arabic. Can be used as two
routines." {"A. Parr-Whalley" <100244.2432@CompuServe.COM>
aka Aziza, med-dance 960423.0101}
- Armenia, Armenia - "A personal favorite: Armenia, Armenia. It has
my absolutely favorite Kashlima piece. The inset that describes the songs
does a nice job, too." {Kahaz (Kitty, med-dance
- "Bellydance in Cairo - Yafoleya" (by Hussein El Masry) - "Great!
Love it! Liner notes say 'El Masry is classical without austerity, modern
without giving in to fashion..' Quality Egyptian-style music similar to
the Mokhtar Al Said sound of 'Amar 14'." {"A. Parr-Whalley"
<100244.2432@CompuServe.COM> aka Aziza, med-dance 960423.0101}
- Cairo (albulm by Harry Saroyan) - "I'd like to add Harry Saroyan's
'Cairo' to the list. It might be on the short side (approximately 30 minutes),
but I just *can't* sit still to save my life when I listen to it. Almost
all of the cuts run about 3 minutes (in case you are interested in using
them). I find that using the shorter selections keeps things short and sweet,
which also allows you to keep things moving for a western audience (using
a series of shorter numbers strung together rather than a couple of longer
pieces). Just a thought!" { (Tedi Thomas), med-dance
- Fata Morgana - On the subject of Gypsy music, Paulette said "Fata
Morgana is wonderful!!! One of my favorites. Check it out. (Fata Morgana
is the name of the CD, not the band. it's a CD with Omar Faruk Tekbilek
and Michael Askill. And it's is very beautiful, but not very traditional.)"
{ aka paulette, med-dance 960526.1401}
- The Magic of John Belizjkian (published by Dantz Records, P.O. Box 2434,
Laguna Hills, CA USA 92654, Ph (714) 581-5664) - "a wonderful CD with
two complete routines on it -- one with drum solo, one without. Plus several
other single pieces which could be put together into a routine. It is a
very popular performance CD for dancers in restaurants here in Southern
California. The slow ballads on the second half are beautiful pieces for
viel or floor work, and are also great for teaching because they're not
too fast! John is a virtuoso oudist and one of the best vocalists in the
ME music arena. Even my non-ME loving husband likes his music! All of the
usual disclaimers apply -- no commissions, kickbacks, etc." {
aka Khalehla, med-dance 960521.1230}
- Music for Samara - "In my opinion the best 'Princess of Cairo'
routine is on Music for Samara. It is out on CD but that part of the it
(side A of the tape) is one track only." {Jan Geisen <>
aka Jana, med-dance 960529.1502}
- Nubian Kuban - "Another great CD that has traditional and alternative
Middle Eastern music is The Nubian Kuban. The CD is great."..."Now
that I have the CD in front of me I can give you the correct name: Ali Hussan
Kuban, Nubian Magic. The company is Mercator, Caroline." {
(fanmail), med-dance 960514.1202, 960515.1029}
- Princess of Cairo - "Yes, 'Princess of Cairo' is out on CD. I love
that music and it is in a routine format. Lucila of Lucila Dance Boutique
has it and you can contacther at: for more information.
I do not get any monetary value for sharing this info!" {,
med-dance 960529.1656}
- Dances From The Heart, Vol. 2 (Suzanna Del Vecchio, Performance Video,
run time approximately 30 minutes) - "WOW!"..."every time
i see her she absolutely bowls me over, anew. so it's not surprising her
video enthralls me *more* each time, and leaves me filled with *more* awe
and respect each time. altho i liked a good bit of the first 'dances from
the heart,' i have to say the lighting & camera work are significantly
better on this video. i particularly loved the orientale number, and 'passionate
balady'"..."and i was just thinking, as i watched the other numbers,
'gee, i bet suzanna would do a great gypsy.' and then out she comes, in
'gypsy spirit.' wow!!! she *does* do a great show here! she gets the steps,
the attitude, etc. those who usually carp about fake gypsy dances can just
can it, ;-) because, from what i've seen in studies with dalia carella (several
times, since 1988), zeina/dee birnbaum, eva cernik, jamila zahran and dahlal,
she's using *real* steps. just really a great piece!!! i love her costumes,
i love the production, i love the mix on this tape. imho it's a gotta have!
Disclaimer: I get ABSOLUTELY NO compensation for raving about this video,
other than the ebullient release of joy...and the thought of other folks
being knocked out by this fantastic thang! ;-)"..."[her address
is] suzanna del vecchio, P.O. box 61383, denver, CO 80206, u.s.a."
{ (Liz Fannin) aka Shakira, med-dance 960509.0354, 960511.0113}
This page last updated August 8, 1996, by Stefan (